Man Ray Photo analysis

While it may not seem like it at first glance, The longer you look at the picture the more it seems to be surrealistic. That’s all because of the play between the girl and the mask. It changes the photo from something that could easily be boring into something out of fantasy.  In fact, Man Ray’s artistry leaves one feeling like they’re looking at a fairytale unfolding. A dark one straight out of the original brothers Grimm collection, where not everyone has a happy ending.

The woman lying with her head down on the table, is clearly the main character here. The focus of the shot is literally on her, and she’s where the eye is drawn first in the photo.  Looking at her, you’re not quite sure what to make of her. The woman could easily be simply resting. . .or in a much deeper, longer sleep.  One could easily imagine her as the princess under a curse, though what the curse is or why it was put on her one is only left to guess.

It might have something to do with the mask, because it is the second object the framing of the photo calls attention too. It seems to be held up by some mystical force since, though her hand is on it, she is clearly asleep and shouldn’t be able to hold it up.  it seems somewhat out of place too and the viewer is left to question what’s it doing there and what it has to do with the woman. Was this picture taken at the moment the woman was trying to frantically put it on to ward off the curse before it hit . . .or was she trying to push it away? On top of that the masks appears to hint at some sort of duality. It could be the duality of our outward appearance to everyone else vs how we actually are or are to ourselves, The inward mind in contrast to the outward façade. Either way, whether fairytale or some comment on the duality of people, Man Ray certainly tells a compelling story you can’t help but be dawn in and listen to.


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